Originally set up to collect transcripts from Countdown, we now have some other stuff as well. Episode pages, and bonus material from other shows, can be accessed using the date links on the right - the 2025 section is for index pages.
Our YouTube accounts are the Ferkleheimer family, Fred, Irving and Cathy. If you can't find the clip you're looking for, please ask us on Twitter or email.
For video archives, we recommend Google Drive: Countdown Archives and TBS.
Update: Keith will be hosting Olbermann nightly on ESPN2, starting August 26th!
This site last updated 7th March 2013, and abandoned as of that date.
(Oh, except for this:
Update: As of 19th April 2017, Bill O'Reilly is fired.)
For news and updates, follow Keith on Twitter.
For sports, see Baseball Nerd. (no longer updated)
Follow this very good fan-blog to ensure you don't miss any news or upcoming appearances.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann premiered on MSNBC on March 31st, 2003.
And then premiered again on Current TV on June 20th, 2011.
And then got cancelled again on March 29th, 2012.
The first transcript in our archive is Feb 24th, 2004.
Segment videos are available after March 25th, 2008.
Video podcasts are available after September 2007; all links are now fixed.
Special Comments (see also: Campaign Comments, Quick Comments, Tea Time)
Fridays with Thurber
Tweets of the Day
Tosses to Rachel
Special bonus material from other shows
Commercials and promos
Web extras
Lists on other sites:
Worst Persons
Word Storms
The Contradictionary
Keith quotes
Resources used to compile this library: Countdown RSS feeds
From Current:
Clips podcast
Same clips on YouTube
Segment videos and other online content
Unofficial videos from our partner on YouTube
Segment videos
Special Comments
Quick Comments
Fridays with Thurber
Worst Persons
Tosses to Rachel from our partner on YouTube
Ex-feeds, pining for the fjords:
MSNBC video podcast
MSNBC audio podcast
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
12:30 AM

Special Comments
Special Twitter Comment on the Romney 47% tape - September 17, 2012
The Komen controversy - February 7, 2012
Why Occupy Wall Street needs Michael Bloomberg - November 15, 2011
Oakland Mayor Jean Quan must repent or resign - October 26, 2011
Reading of the first collective statement of Occupy Wall Street - October 5, 2011
MLB sells out 10th Anniversary of 9/11 - September 12, 2011
The Four Great Hypocrisies - August 1, 2011 (replay October 14, 2011)
Inside the FOX Hole - July 12, 2011
The Nation's Purpose - July 11, 2011
Why Petraeus is Wrong (and Stupid) on Torture - June 24, 2011
Same-Sex Marriage - June 23, 2011
Why We Must Leave Afghanistan. Now. - June 21, 2011
What We're About - June 20, 2011
Embarrassing Behavior over Weiner Roasting - June 15, 2011
Michael Moore and the Killing of Osama bin Laden - May 12, 2011
On the death of Osama bin Laden - May 2, 2011
Libya, Obama and the Five-Second Rule - March 23, 2011
brief hiatus - for First Guesses, see the Web Extras list
The nine days since Tucson - January 17, 2011
Violence and threats have no place in democracy - January 8, 2011
Beware fear's racist temptation - February 15, 2010
Obama turned his back on his base - December 7, 2010
False promise of 'objectivity' proves 'truth' superior to 'fact' - November 15, 2010
If the Tea Party wins, America loses - October 27, 2010 (replay October 31, 2010)
There is no 'Ground Zero mosque' - August 16, 2010
Gibbs frustration understandable but misguided - August 10, 2010
The witch-hunt vs. Sherrod, and those who made it possible - July 21, 2010
GOP introduces 'screw you' economics - June 30, 2010
GOP takes no pity on the unemployed - June 28, 2010
On the self-destruction of McChrystal - June 22, 2010
McCain's disturbing lack of faith in America - May 4, 2010
GOP self-destruction imminent - March 22, 2010
An American cry for help - February 24, 2010
U.S. Government for sale - January 21, 2010
Ruined Senate bill unsupportable - December 16, 2009
On Afghanistan: Get out now! - November 30, 2009
Health Care Reform: The Fight Against Death - October 7, 2009 (replay March 18, 2010)
Wilson's factual failure worse than his incivility - September 10, 2009
'Death Panel' Palin dangerously irresponsible - August 10, 2009
Legislators for sale - August 3, 2009
Cheney's speech false to fact and reason - May 21, 2009
Future of U.S. depends on torture accountability - April 16, 2009
Time to get tough on bankers - March 19, 2009
Cheney doing the work of terrorists - February 5, 2009
Bush guilty of torture - January 19, 2009
Gay marriage is a question of love - November 10, 2008 (replay August 4, 2010)
Divisive politics is anti-American - October 20, 2008
McCain, suspend your campaign - October 14, 2008
Terrorists? It's Palin doing the pallin' - October 6, 2008
Republicans have hijacked 9/11 - September 10, 2008
Senator, Grow Up! - August 18, 2008
Obama's FISA opportunity - June 30, 2008
McCain should know better - June 12, 2008
Clinton, you invoked a political nightmare - May 23, 2008
Mr. President, the war isn't about you - or golf - May 14, 2008 (clarified May 19)
Clinton's tepid response to Ferraro is shameful - March 12, 2008
A veto of the FISA bill endangers Americans - February 14, 2008
Bush put telecoms ahead of citizens - January 31, 2008
Bush: Pathological liar or idiot-in-chief? - December 6, 2007
On waterboarding and torture - November 5, 2007
To Bush: 'Your hypocrisy is so vast' - September 20, 2007
Bush just playing us with 'troop withdrawal' - September 4, 2007
Go to Iraq and fight, Mr. President - July 19, 2007
All hail the prophetic gut! - July 12, 2007
Bush, Cheney should resign - July 3, 2007
The entire government has failed us on Iraq - May 23, 2007
Republicans equal life; Democrats equal death? - April 25, 2007
DeLay's DeLusions - March 26, 2007
Condi goes too far - February 26, 2007
Bush shoots for 'Jaws,' delivers 'Jaws 2' - January 30, 2007
Bush's legacy: The president who cried wolf - January 11, 2007
Special comment about 'sacrifice' - January 2, 2007
Free speech, failed speakers, and the delusion of grandeur - November 30, 2006
Lessons from Vietnam - November 20, 2006
Where are the checks, balances? - November 6, 2006
Bush owes troops apology - November 1, 2006
Advertising terrorism - October 23, 2006
'Beginning of the end of America' - October 18, 2006
A special comment about lying - October 5, 2006
A textbook definition of cowardice - September 25, 2006
Bush owes us an apology - September 18, 2006
This hole in the ground - September 11, 2006
'Have you no sense of decency, sir?' - September 5, 2006
Feeling morally, intellectually confused? - August 30, 2006 (replay March 31, 2008)
Unofficial Special Comments
The city of Louisiana - September 5, 2005
Flush the butts - August 8, 2005
Special Twitter Comment on the Romney 47% tape - September 17, 2012
The Komen controversy - February 7, 2012
Why Occupy Wall Street needs Michael Bloomberg - November 15, 2011
Oakland Mayor Jean Quan must repent or resign - October 26, 2011
Reading of the first collective statement of Occupy Wall Street - October 5, 2011
MLB sells out 10th Anniversary of 9/11 - September 12, 2011
The Four Great Hypocrisies - August 1, 2011 (replay October 14, 2011)
Inside the FOX Hole - July 12, 2011
The Nation's Purpose - July 11, 2011
Why Petraeus is Wrong (and Stupid) on Torture - June 24, 2011
Same-Sex Marriage - June 23, 2011
Why We Must Leave Afghanistan. Now. - June 21, 2011
What We're About - June 20, 2011
Embarrassing Behavior over Weiner Roasting - June 15, 2011
Michael Moore and the Killing of Osama bin Laden - May 12, 2011
On the death of Osama bin Laden - May 2, 2011
Libya, Obama and the Five-Second Rule - March 23, 2011
brief hiatus - for First Guesses, see the Web Extras list
The nine days since Tucson - January 17, 2011
Violence and threats have no place in democracy - January 8, 2011
Beware fear's racist temptation - February 15, 2010
Obama turned his back on his base - December 7, 2010
False promise of 'objectivity' proves 'truth' superior to 'fact' - November 15, 2010
If the Tea Party wins, America loses - October 27, 2010 (replay October 31, 2010)
There is no 'Ground Zero mosque' - August 16, 2010
Gibbs frustration understandable but misguided - August 10, 2010
The witch-hunt vs. Sherrod, and those who made it possible - July 21, 2010
GOP introduces 'screw you' economics - June 30, 2010
GOP takes no pity on the unemployed - June 28, 2010
On the self-destruction of McChrystal - June 22, 2010
McCain's disturbing lack of faith in America - May 4, 2010
GOP self-destruction imminent - March 22, 2010
An American cry for help - February 24, 2010
U.S. Government for sale - January 21, 2010
Ruined Senate bill unsupportable - December 16, 2009
On Afghanistan: Get out now! - November 30, 2009
Health Care Reform: The Fight Against Death - October 7, 2009 (replay March 18, 2010)
Wilson's factual failure worse than his incivility - September 10, 2009
'Death Panel' Palin dangerously irresponsible - August 10, 2009
Legislators for sale - August 3, 2009
Cheney's speech false to fact and reason - May 21, 2009
Future of U.S. depends on torture accountability - April 16, 2009
Time to get tough on bankers - March 19, 2009
Cheney doing the work of terrorists - February 5, 2009
Bush guilty of torture - January 19, 2009
Gay marriage is a question of love - November 10, 2008 (replay August 4, 2010)
Divisive politics is anti-American - October 20, 2008
McCain, suspend your campaign - October 14, 2008
Terrorists? It's Palin doing the pallin' - October 6, 2008
Republicans have hijacked 9/11 - September 10, 2008
Senator, Grow Up! - August 18, 2008
Obama's FISA opportunity - June 30, 2008
McCain should know better - June 12, 2008
Clinton, you invoked a political nightmare - May 23, 2008
Mr. President, the war isn't about you - or golf - May 14, 2008 (clarified May 19)
Clinton's tepid response to Ferraro is shameful - March 12, 2008
A veto of the FISA bill endangers Americans - February 14, 2008
Bush put telecoms ahead of citizens - January 31, 2008
Bush: Pathological liar or idiot-in-chief? - December 6, 2007
On waterboarding and torture - November 5, 2007
To Bush: 'Your hypocrisy is so vast' - September 20, 2007
Bush just playing us with 'troop withdrawal' - September 4, 2007
Go to Iraq and fight, Mr. President - July 19, 2007
All hail the prophetic gut! - July 12, 2007
Bush, Cheney should resign - July 3, 2007
The entire government has failed us on Iraq - May 23, 2007
Republicans equal life; Democrats equal death? - April 25, 2007
DeLay's DeLusions - March 26, 2007
Condi goes too far - February 26, 2007
Bush shoots for 'Jaws,' delivers 'Jaws 2' - January 30, 2007
Bush's legacy: The president who cried wolf - January 11, 2007
Special comment about 'sacrifice' - January 2, 2007
Free speech, failed speakers, and the delusion of grandeur - November 30, 2006
Lessons from Vietnam - November 20, 2006
Where are the checks, balances? - November 6, 2006
Bush owes troops apology - November 1, 2006
Advertising terrorism - October 23, 2006
'Beginning of the end of America' - October 18, 2006
A special comment about lying - October 5, 2006
A textbook definition of cowardice - September 25, 2006
Bush owes us an apology - September 18, 2006
This hole in the ground - September 11, 2006
'Have you no sense of decency, sir?' - September 5, 2006
Feeling morally, intellectually confused? - August 30, 2006 (replay March 31, 2008)
Unofficial Special Comments
The city of Louisiana - September 5, 2005
Flush the butts - August 8, 2005
12:23 AM

Web Extras from FOK News Channel and Countdown Online
For regular FOK News Channel features (Photo of the Day, Snappy Answers, and Worst Persons) please use Search or the date links to the right, as there are too many to list! There are separate lists for Special Comments and Fridays with Thurber.
After Countdown relaunched on Current TV:
Ali Soufan details intelligence failures before 9/11, damage to U.S. reputation from torture - September 13, 2011
David Cross on 'Arrested Development' movie and more - August 22, 2011
Harry Shearer on 'Murdoch-gate' and his latest documentary - August 16, 2011
Gay married couple speak out on their immigration battle - August 10, 2011
Eliot Spitzer on Murdoch-Gate and More - August 9, 2011
'Book of Mormon' Co-star Josh Gad Talks About the Hit Musical, Politics - August 8, 2011
Countdown Contributor Mark Ruffalo on Fracking - July 13, 2011
Dan Savage on Motivations Behind Anti-Gay Bias - June 27, 2011
Janeane Garofalo on Tea Party Racism - June 23, 2011
Van Jones vs. Fox News - June 22, 2011
Keith and Markos Moulitsas - June 20, 2011
From Countdown Online at Current.com
Thanking the Facebook Fans - June 19, 2011
First Guess: Politics and the Pledge - June 17, 2011
Countdown's Intriguing New TV Spot ('Blur') - June 15, 2011
First Guess: Who's Ready to Play "Fantasy Politics"? - June 8, 2011
First Guess: What's Up Washington State's Butt? - June 7, 2011
First Guess: God's Hotline to Michele Bachmann - June 6, 2011
First Guess: Medicare Reform: Running From Ryan - June 3, 2011
Introducing Keith to the Current TV Crowd ('One Of Us') - May 31, 2011
How to Get Current TV - May 31, 2011
First Guess: Is Glenn Beck... Good?! - May 27, 2011
Welcome to Countdown Online - May 27, 2011
First Guess: Cantor Puts Politics Over Missouri's People - May 26, 2011
From the FOK News Channel site:
First Guess: Moore On Moore, Excellent Mr. Burns - May 11, 2011
First Guess: Poll Shows We Are Lotto Nation - May 5, 2011
First Guess: Obama's Bridge Game: One No Trump - May 4, 2011
Rumsfeld Disproves Conservatives' Tortured Argument - May 3, 2011
Bin Laden Dead – And It Was Live-Tweeted - May 2, 2011
First Guess: A Modest Proposal About Arizona - Discontinue It - April 28, 2011
Maguffins 1 Obama 0 - April 27, 2011
First Guess: Another One Makes It Up - April 27, 2011
Keith Announces New Show Details - April 26, 2011
WATCH THIS SPACE - April 25, 2011
First Guess: Lotto Nation - April 19, 2011
First Guess: Lying About The Civil War - April 14, 2011
First Guess: How "A Face In The Crowd" forecasts Glenn Beck's future - April 11, 2011
Lonesome Rhodes' Mike Left Open - April 6, 2011
First Guess: The GOP Presidential Nomination and Susan Burns - April 6, 2011
Keith Speaks at Cornell - March 29, 2011
The Triangle Waist Victims - March 25, 2011
Cut The Unions, Hire The Girlfriends - March 21, 2011
Rudy Giuliani Mocks How Obama Talks? - March 19, 2011
County Judge Blocks Wisconsin Union-Busting Law - March 18, 2011
Wikileaks: Japan Was Warned About Fukushima - March 16, 2011
Thank You, Mr. Science - March 15, 2011
The Odd Inspiration Of Charlie Sheen - March 9, 2011
The Suicide Of The Republican Party - March 9, 2011
Racketeer Rabbit Republicans - March 6, 2011
Nick Charles: Lead Pipe Cinch - March 3, 2011
Gov. Scott Walker: Follow The Money - March 2, 2011
Scott Walker: That Man Is An Idiot - March 1, 2011
New York Times Punk'd By Anti-Union Plant - February 28, 2011
Even The Media Began To Sit Up And Take Notice - February 26, 2011
First Guess: Wisconsin and "The Union" - February 25, 2011
For regular FOK News Channel features (Photo of the Day, Snappy Answers, and Worst Persons) please use Search or the date links to the right, as there are too many to list! There are separate lists for Special Comments and Fridays with Thurber.
After Countdown relaunched on Current TV:
Ali Soufan details intelligence failures before 9/11, damage to U.S. reputation from torture - September 13, 2011
David Cross on 'Arrested Development' movie and more - August 22, 2011
Harry Shearer on 'Murdoch-gate' and his latest documentary - August 16, 2011
Gay married couple speak out on their immigration battle - August 10, 2011
Eliot Spitzer on Murdoch-Gate and More - August 9, 2011
'Book of Mormon' Co-star Josh Gad Talks About the Hit Musical, Politics - August 8, 2011
Countdown Contributor Mark Ruffalo on Fracking - July 13, 2011
Dan Savage on Motivations Behind Anti-Gay Bias - June 27, 2011
Janeane Garofalo on Tea Party Racism - June 23, 2011
Van Jones vs. Fox News - June 22, 2011
Keith and Markos Moulitsas - June 20, 2011
From Countdown Online at Current.com
Thanking the Facebook Fans - June 19, 2011
First Guess: Politics and the Pledge - June 17, 2011
Countdown's Intriguing New TV Spot ('Blur') - June 15, 2011
First Guess: Who's Ready to Play "Fantasy Politics"? - June 8, 2011
First Guess: What's Up Washington State's Butt? - June 7, 2011
First Guess: God's Hotline to Michele Bachmann - June 6, 2011
First Guess: Medicare Reform: Running From Ryan - June 3, 2011
Introducing Keith to the Current TV Crowd ('One Of Us') - May 31, 2011
How to Get Current TV - May 31, 2011
First Guess: Is Glenn Beck... Good?! - May 27, 2011
Welcome to Countdown Online - May 27, 2011
First Guess: Cantor Puts Politics Over Missouri's People - May 26, 2011
From the FOK News Channel site:
First Guess: Moore On Moore, Excellent Mr. Burns - May 11, 2011
First Guess: Poll Shows We Are Lotto Nation - May 5, 2011
First Guess: Obama's Bridge Game: One No Trump - May 4, 2011
Rumsfeld Disproves Conservatives' Tortured Argument - May 3, 2011
Bin Laden Dead – And It Was Live-Tweeted - May 2, 2011
First Guess: A Modest Proposal About Arizona - Discontinue It - April 28, 2011
Maguffins 1 Obama 0 - April 27, 2011
First Guess: Another One Makes It Up - April 27, 2011
Keith Announces New Show Details - April 26, 2011
WATCH THIS SPACE - April 25, 2011
First Guess: Lotto Nation - April 19, 2011
First Guess: Lying About The Civil War - April 14, 2011
First Guess: How "A Face In The Crowd" forecasts Glenn Beck's future - April 11, 2011
Lonesome Rhodes' Mike Left Open - April 6, 2011
First Guess: The GOP Presidential Nomination and Susan Burns - April 6, 2011
Keith Speaks at Cornell - March 29, 2011
The Triangle Waist Victims - March 25, 2011
Cut The Unions, Hire The Girlfriends - March 21, 2011
Rudy Giuliani Mocks How Obama Talks? - March 19, 2011
County Judge Blocks Wisconsin Union-Busting Law - March 18, 2011
Wikileaks: Japan Was Warned About Fukushima - March 16, 2011
Thank You, Mr. Science - March 15, 2011
The Odd Inspiration Of Charlie Sheen - March 9, 2011
The Suicide Of The Republican Party - March 9, 2011
Racketeer Rabbit Republicans - March 6, 2011
Nick Charles: Lead Pipe Cinch - March 3, 2011
Gov. Scott Walker: Follow The Money - March 2, 2011
Scott Walker: That Man Is An Idiot - March 1, 2011
New York Times Punk'd By Anti-Union Plant - February 28, 2011
Even The Media Began To Sit Up And Take Notice - February 26, 2011
First Guess: Wisconsin and "The Union" - February 25, 2011
12:15 AM

Commercials and Promos
Countdown with Keith Olbermann promos, 2011: (after relaunch)Countdown with Keith Olbermann promos, 2011: ('Coming...')
Countdown with Keith Olbermann promos, 2011: (after relaunch)Countdown with Keith Olbermann promos, 2011: ('Coming...')
- ...Accountability (no Keith)
- ...Accountability
- ...Free Speech
- ...Truth
- Blur
- Fearless (short)
- He's one of us (no Keith)
- He's one of us (with Keith)
- He's one of us (with Keith, spoken)
- On Deck (short)
- On Deck... Accountability
- (download)
- (download)
- (download)
- Globetrotters (download)
- Gordie Howe (download)
- Injuries (download)
- It's Live (download)
- Journalistic Integrity (download)
- Locker Room (download) (no Keith)
- Makeup Buddies (download)
- Moving The Franchise (download)
- Nickname (download)
- Olbermann Sings (download)
- Paws
- Reading Lips (download)
- Talent Search (download)
- Someone's a Writer (download)
- Memories (download) (after Keith left)
12:15 AM

Tea Time
Angle stands up tea party rally - August 12, 2010
Tea Party: Bike-sharing conspiracy? - August 5, 2010
Tea party adds layer of fantasy - August 3, 2010
Tea party has narrow racial appeal - August 2, 2010
Tea party delusions of grandeur - July 16, 2010
Tea party's racism revealed - July 15, 2010
The latest Fox News fabrication - July 12, 2010
Angle shows insensitivity for rape victims - July 8, 2010
SCOTUS wife seeking political donations - July 7, 2010
Angle compares herself to former president - July 6, 2010
Tea party candidate targets immigrants utilities - July 1, 2010
Boehner expresses anger at Democrats - June 29, 2010
Tea party loses one - June 24, 2010
Rand Paul flip-flops on campaign promise - June 23, 2010
Palin's advice to the Gulf: Pray - June 21, 2010
Conspiracy theorist takes on BP oil spill - June 17, 2010
Dick Armey warns candidates away from MSNBC - June 16, 2010
Dr. Rand Paul – not 'board-certified?' - June 14, 2010
Did Nevada primary highlight Tea Party flaws? - June 9, 2010
Tea Party infighting - splitters! - June 8, 2010
Rand Paul emerges from hiding - June 7, 2010
Is the tea party just a political gag? - June 1, 2010
Another tough interview for Lowden - May 27, 2010
O'Keefe pleads guilty - May 26, 2010
Tea party candidate wants to purge government - May 25, 2010
Hayworth presents false facts about WWII - May 24, 2010
Apologies to monkey gods - May 20, 2010
Tea party shows its religious intolerance - May 19, 2010
Idaho tea party tackles constitution - May 18, 2010
Hawaii ignores birther requests - May 17, 2010
N.C. tea party crowd thins out - May 13, 2010
California GOP candidate declares 'hunting season' on liberals - May 12, 2010
Lowden still running on chicken platform - May 10, 2010
Tea Party money comes up low - May 7, 2010
Who coined teabaggers? - May 6, 2010
Florida GOP candidate runs racist ad - May 5, 2010
Helping tea partiers look crazy - April 29, 2010
Don't call her a tea partier - April 28, 2010
Sue Lowden and Cocks for Docs - April 27, 2010
Tea Party disconnect from reality is profound - April 26, 2010
Olbermann questions tea party makeup - April 20, 2010
Tea Party lunacy - April 19, 2010
Quick Comments
Palin defends onshore drilling policy - June 2, 2010
This isn't Obama's Katrina - May 28, 2010
Nashville flooded and forgotten - May 3, 2010
Colonoscopy - April 23, 2010
Tea partier in denial - April 13, 2010
Gov. Barbour lashes out over Confederate controversy - April 12, 2010
La. congressman encourages mistreatment of patients - April 8, 2010
Congressional candidate urges scare tactic - April 7, 2010
McCain denies being a Maverick - April 6, 2010
Doctor refuses treatment to Obama voters - April 2, 2010
Keith addresses the sad truth - April 1, 2010
Rubio will trade Keith Olbermann for immigrants - March 31, 2010
Fiorina clueless about Passover - March 30, 2010
Lesson learned for an agitator - March 29, 2010
Olbermann on the diversity of MSNBC - February 23, 2010
Texas may be quick to devolve, not secede - February 22, 2010
Bailout may cost McCain his Senate seat - February 22, 2010
Pawlenty takes the low road - February 19, 2010
Tea Party discovers what's wrong with the GOP - February 18, 2010
Obama critics grasping at straws - February 18, 2010
Tea Party or White People's Party? - February 17, 2010
Government for sale - February 17, 2010
McCain overlooks Brennan's accomplishments - February 16, 2010
Clinton ends Palin's mystique? - February 16, 2010
Toyota's insider angle - February 12, 2010
Donations continue to aid the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe - February 12, 2010
NRCC attacks a fellow Republican - February 11, 2010
Keeping health care negotiations in the dark - February 11, 2010
Mixing religion and politics - February 10, 2010
Helping Americans in need - February 10, 2010
Humanitarian help at home - February 9, 2010
Five-year-old sues insurance company - February 9, 2010
Shame on Senator Shelby - February 8, 2010
The sound of Palin's hand clapping - February 8, 2010
Calif. Senate hopeful attacks opponent with baaa-d ad - February 5, 2010
Tancredo reveals tea party racism - February 5, 2010
Olbermann defends Countdown's ratings - February 4, 2010
McConnell should resign - February 4, 2010
GOP strategist spreads lies about financial reform - February 3, 2010
Did Palin steal money? - February 2, 2010
Bachmann invents new paranoia - February 2, 2010
Scott Roeder, the fraud - February 1, 2010
Rep. Foxx, Obama critic and fan - February 1, 2010
O'Keefe uses frat-boy prank defense - January 28, 2010
Obama critics in denial - January 28, 2010
Obama is capable of leadership - January 27, 2010
Sudden taste for fairness on the right - January 27, 2010
Leno compared to Hitler - January 26, 2010
Obama pleases the GOP - January 26, 2010
Bush confidante on terror not reliable - January 25, 2010
Government officials clueless about SCOTUS decision - January 25, 2010
FOX News now tells you what to decide - January 22, 2010
Journalists not plugged in? - January 22, 2010
Finger-pointing over homeland security - January 20, 2010
Olbermann refutes Brown 'smears' - January 20, 2010
Tea-baggers offended at name - January 19, 2010
Brown sexist, too - January 19, 2010
Republican candidate Brown a 'bad joke' - January 18, 2010
Limbaugh discourages donations to ex-presidents' Haiti fund - January 18, 2010
Limbaugh discourages Americans from giving - January 15, 2010
Congressman wants to deport illegal Haitian immigrants - January 15, 2010
Limbaugh playing politics with Haiti aid - January 14, 2010
Robertson blames Haitians for earthquake - January 13, 2010
Is the Tea Party movement dwindling? - January 12, 2010
Giuliani continues to clarify comment - January 12, 2010
Proof 'enhanced interrogation' doesn't work - January 7, 2010
Politicians too harsh on Obama - January 7, 2010
Obama – no stranger to terrorism - January 6, 2010
Republicans trivialize terrorism and life - January 6, 2010
Conservatives terrorize health reform - January 5, 2010
Right wing encourages racial profiling - January 5, 2010
Cheney encourages America's enemies - January 4, 2010
Campaign Comments
Obama's historic journey - November 5, 2008
If Obama had campaigned like McCain... - November 3, 2008
Ayers a guest in McCain's glass house - October 30, 2008
Who does Joe think he's fooling? - October 29, 2008
Palin: Socialist, fraud - October 28, 2008
McCain: Speak up and lead! - October 27, 2008
Joe the failed campaign gimmick - October 23, 2008
McCain's clumsy hypocrisy - October 22, 2008
Strike four for Palin on V.P. description - October 21, 2008
Angle stands up tea party rally - August 12, 2010
Tea Party: Bike-sharing conspiracy? - August 5, 2010
Tea party adds layer of fantasy - August 3, 2010
Tea party has narrow racial appeal - August 2, 2010
Tea party delusions of grandeur - July 16, 2010
Tea party's racism revealed - July 15, 2010
The latest Fox News fabrication - July 12, 2010
Angle shows insensitivity for rape victims - July 8, 2010
SCOTUS wife seeking political donations - July 7, 2010
Angle compares herself to former president - July 6, 2010
Tea party candidate targets immigrants utilities - July 1, 2010
Boehner expresses anger at Democrats - June 29, 2010
Tea party loses one - June 24, 2010
Rand Paul flip-flops on campaign promise - June 23, 2010
Palin's advice to the Gulf: Pray - June 21, 2010
Conspiracy theorist takes on BP oil spill - June 17, 2010
Dick Armey warns candidates away from MSNBC - June 16, 2010
Dr. Rand Paul – not 'board-certified?' - June 14, 2010
Did Nevada primary highlight Tea Party flaws? - June 9, 2010
Tea Party infighting - splitters! - June 8, 2010
Rand Paul emerges from hiding - June 7, 2010
Is the tea party just a political gag? - June 1, 2010
Another tough interview for Lowden - May 27, 2010
O'Keefe pleads guilty - May 26, 2010
Tea party candidate wants to purge government - May 25, 2010
Hayworth presents false facts about WWII - May 24, 2010
Apologies to monkey gods - May 20, 2010
Tea party shows its religious intolerance - May 19, 2010
Idaho tea party tackles constitution - May 18, 2010
Hawaii ignores birther requests - May 17, 2010
N.C. tea party crowd thins out - May 13, 2010
California GOP candidate declares 'hunting season' on liberals - May 12, 2010
Lowden still running on chicken platform - May 10, 2010
Tea Party money comes up low - May 7, 2010
Who coined teabaggers? - May 6, 2010
Florida GOP candidate runs racist ad - May 5, 2010
Helping tea partiers look crazy - April 29, 2010
Don't call her a tea partier - April 28, 2010
Sue Lowden and Cocks for Docs - April 27, 2010
Tea Party disconnect from reality is profound - April 26, 2010
Olbermann questions tea party makeup - April 20, 2010
Tea Party lunacy - April 19, 2010
Quick Comments
Palin defends onshore drilling policy - June 2, 2010
This isn't Obama's Katrina - May 28, 2010
Nashville flooded and forgotten - May 3, 2010
Colonoscopy - April 23, 2010
Tea partier in denial - April 13, 2010
Gov. Barbour lashes out over Confederate controversy - April 12, 2010
La. congressman encourages mistreatment of patients - April 8, 2010
Congressional candidate urges scare tactic - April 7, 2010
McCain denies being a Maverick - April 6, 2010
Doctor refuses treatment to Obama voters - April 2, 2010
Keith addresses the sad truth - April 1, 2010
Rubio will trade Keith Olbermann for immigrants - March 31, 2010
Fiorina clueless about Passover - March 30, 2010
Lesson learned for an agitator - March 29, 2010
Olbermann on the diversity of MSNBC - February 23, 2010
Texas may be quick to devolve, not secede - February 22, 2010
Bailout may cost McCain his Senate seat - February 22, 2010
Pawlenty takes the low road - February 19, 2010
Tea Party discovers what's wrong with the GOP - February 18, 2010
Obama critics grasping at straws - February 18, 2010
Tea Party or White People's Party? - February 17, 2010
Government for sale - February 17, 2010
McCain overlooks Brennan's accomplishments - February 16, 2010
Clinton ends Palin's mystique? - February 16, 2010
Toyota's insider angle - February 12, 2010
Donations continue to aid the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe - February 12, 2010
NRCC attacks a fellow Republican - February 11, 2010
Keeping health care negotiations in the dark - February 11, 2010
Mixing religion and politics - February 10, 2010
Helping Americans in need - February 10, 2010
Humanitarian help at home - February 9, 2010
Five-year-old sues insurance company - February 9, 2010
Shame on Senator Shelby - February 8, 2010
The sound of Palin's hand clapping - February 8, 2010
Calif. Senate hopeful attacks opponent with baaa-d ad - February 5, 2010
Tancredo reveals tea party racism - February 5, 2010
Olbermann defends Countdown's ratings - February 4, 2010
McConnell should resign - February 4, 2010
GOP strategist spreads lies about financial reform - February 3, 2010
Did Palin steal money? - February 2, 2010
Bachmann invents new paranoia - February 2, 2010
Scott Roeder, the fraud - February 1, 2010
Rep. Foxx, Obama critic and fan - February 1, 2010
O'Keefe uses frat-boy prank defense - January 28, 2010
Obama critics in denial - January 28, 2010
Obama is capable of leadership - January 27, 2010
Sudden taste for fairness on the right - January 27, 2010
Leno compared to Hitler - January 26, 2010
Obama pleases the GOP - January 26, 2010
Bush confidante on terror not reliable - January 25, 2010
Government officials clueless about SCOTUS decision - January 25, 2010
FOX News now tells you what to decide - January 22, 2010
Journalists not plugged in? - January 22, 2010
Finger-pointing over homeland security - January 20, 2010
Olbermann refutes Brown 'smears' - January 20, 2010
Tea-baggers offended at name - January 19, 2010
Brown sexist, too - January 19, 2010
Republican candidate Brown a 'bad joke' - January 18, 2010
Limbaugh discourages donations to ex-presidents' Haiti fund - January 18, 2010
Limbaugh discourages Americans from giving - January 15, 2010
Congressman wants to deport illegal Haitian immigrants - January 15, 2010
Limbaugh playing politics with Haiti aid - January 14, 2010
Robertson blames Haitians for earthquake - January 13, 2010
Is the Tea Party movement dwindling? - January 12, 2010
Giuliani continues to clarify comment - January 12, 2010
Proof 'enhanced interrogation' doesn't work - January 7, 2010
Politicians too harsh on Obama - January 7, 2010
Obama – no stranger to terrorism - January 6, 2010
Republicans trivialize terrorism and life - January 6, 2010
Conservatives terrorize health reform - January 5, 2010
Right wing encourages racial profiling - January 5, 2010
Cheney encourages America's enemies - January 4, 2010
Campaign Comments
Obama's historic journey - November 5, 2008
If Obama had campaigned like McCain... - November 3, 2008
Ayers a guest in McCain's glass house - October 30, 2008
Who does Joe think he's fooling? - October 29, 2008
Palin: Socialist, fraud - October 28, 2008
McCain: Speak up and lead! - October 27, 2008
Joe the failed campaign gimmick - October 23, 2008
McCain's clumsy hypocrisy - October 22, 2008
Strike four for Palin on V.P. description - October 21, 2008
12:10 AM

Fridays with Thurber
Look Homeward Jeannie, part 1 - March 23, 2012
Look Out For The Warelians! - March 2, 2012
Help! Help! Another Classificationization - February 17, 2012
Thoughts From Mr Tierney - January 20, 2012
There's An Owl In My Room - January 6, 2012
There's No Place Like Home - December 9, 2011
Memorial - December 2, 2011
How To Adjust Yourself To Your Work - November 11, 2011
Draft Board Nights - September 23, 2011
Oliver And The Other Ostriches - September 2, 2011
Ivory, Apes And People - September 2, 2011
Two Dogs - September 2, 2011
Preface To A Life - August 26, 2011 (replay September 5, 2011)
A Box To Hide In - August 19, 2011
The Gentleman In 916 - August 5, 2011
File And Forget - July 22, 2011
An American Romance - July 8, 2011
The Hen And The Heavens - July 8, 2011
If Grant Had Been Drinking At Appomattox - July 1, 2011
The Peacelike Mongoose - June 24, 2011
The Hen Who Wouldn't Fly - June 24, 2011
The Sheep In Wolf's Clothing - June 24, 2011
The Figgerin' of Aunt Wilma - June 2, 2011
Recollections of the Gas Buggy - May 16, 2011
The Casebook of James Thurber - May 6, 2011
Two Dogs - April 29, 2011
The Human Being And The Dinosaur - April 29, 2011
The Bears And The Monkeys - April 29, 2011
The Bat Who Got The Hell Out - April 29, 2011
University Days - April 22, 2011
More Alarms At Night - April 20, 2011
There's No Place Like Home - April 15, 2011
Memorial - April 12, 2011
The Lady on 142 - April 8, 2011
The Luck of Jad Peters - March 24, 2011
brief hiatus
The Scottie Who Knew Too Much - January 21, 2011
The Admiral On The Wheel - January 7, 2011
A Note At The End - December 10, 2010
The Glass In The Field - December 10, 2010
A Friend Of The Earth, part 3 - December 3, 2010
A Friend Of The Earth, part 2 - November 19, 2010
A Friend Of The Earth, part 1 - November 12, 2010
The Catbird Seat, part 3 - October 29, 2010
The Catbird Seat, part 2 - October 22, 2010
The Catbird Seat, part 1 - October 15, 2010
The Dog That Bit People, part 2 - October 8, 2010
The Dog That Bit People, part 1 - October 1, 2010
The Day The Dam Broke, part 2 - September 24, 2010
The Day The Dam Broke, part 1 - September 17, 2010
The Greatest Man In The World, part 3 - September 10, 2010
The Greatest Man In The World, part 2 - September 3, 2010
The Greatest Man In The World, part 1 - August 27, 2010
The Night The Ghost Got In, part 2 - August 20, 2010
The Night The Ghost Got In, part 1 - August 13, 2010
Exhibit X - August 6, 2010
I Went To Sullivant, part 2 - July 16, 2010
I Went To Sullivant, part 1 - July 9, 2010
Mr. Preble Gets Rid Of His Wife - July 2, 2010
Shake Hands With Birdey Doggett - June 25, 2010
The Black Magic Of Barney Haller - June 18, 2010
Guessing Game - June 11, 2010
Sex Ex Machina - June 4, 2010
The Pet Department - May 28, 2010
The Owl Who Was God - May 21, 2010
The Moth And The Star - May 21, 2010
The Mouse Who Went To The Country - May 21, 2010
Nine Needles - May 14, 2010
How To Relax While Broadcasting - May 7, 2010
The Night The Bed Fell - April 30, 2010
The Topaz Cufflinks Mystery - April 23, 2010
The Very Proper Gander - April 16, 2010
The Birds And The Foxes - April 16, 2010
The Bear Who Let It Alone - April 16, 2010
The Little Girl And The Wolf - April 16, 2010
The Unicorn In The Garden - April 9, 2010
The Rabbits Who Caused All The Trouble - April 9, 2010
A Box To Hide In - April 2, 2010
The Peaceable Mongoose - March 1, 2010
Look Homeward Jeannie, part 1 - March 23, 2012
Look Out For The Warelians! - March 2, 2012
Help! Help! Another Classificationization - February 17, 2012
Thoughts From Mr Tierney - January 20, 2012
There's An Owl In My Room - January 6, 2012
There's No Place Like Home - December 9, 2011
Memorial - December 2, 2011
How To Adjust Yourself To Your Work - November 11, 2011
Draft Board Nights - September 23, 2011
Oliver And The Other Ostriches - September 2, 2011
Ivory, Apes And People - September 2, 2011
Two Dogs - September 2, 2011
Preface To A Life - August 26, 2011 (replay September 5, 2011)
A Box To Hide In - August 19, 2011
The Gentleman In 916 - August 5, 2011
File And Forget - July 22, 2011
An American Romance - July 8, 2011
The Hen And The Heavens - July 8, 2011
If Grant Had Been Drinking At Appomattox - July 1, 2011
The Peacelike Mongoose - June 24, 2011
The Hen Who Wouldn't Fly - June 24, 2011
The Sheep In Wolf's Clothing - June 24, 2011
The Figgerin' of Aunt Wilma - June 2, 2011
Recollections of the Gas Buggy - May 16, 2011
The Casebook of James Thurber - May 6, 2011
Two Dogs - April 29, 2011
The Human Being And The Dinosaur - April 29, 2011
The Bears And The Monkeys - April 29, 2011
The Bat Who Got The Hell Out - April 29, 2011
University Days - April 22, 2011
More Alarms At Night - April 20, 2011
There's No Place Like Home - April 15, 2011
Memorial - April 12, 2011
The Lady on 142 - April 8, 2011
The Luck of Jad Peters - March 24, 2011
brief hiatus
The Scottie Who Knew Too Much - January 21, 2011
The Admiral On The Wheel - January 7, 2011
A Note At The End - December 10, 2010
The Glass In The Field - December 10, 2010
A Friend Of The Earth, part 3 - December 3, 2010
A Friend Of The Earth, part 2 - November 19, 2010
A Friend Of The Earth, part 1 - November 12, 2010
The Catbird Seat, part 3 - October 29, 2010
The Catbird Seat, part 2 - October 22, 2010
The Catbird Seat, part 1 - October 15, 2010
The Dog That Bit People, part 2 - October 8, 2010
The Dog That Bit People, part 1 - October 1, 2010
The Day The Dam Broke, part 2 - September 24, 2010
The Day The Dam Broke, part 1 - September 17, 2010
The Greatest Man In The World, part 3 - September 10, 2010
The Greatest Man In The World, part 2 - September 3, 2010
The Greatest Man In The World, part 1 - August 27, 2010
The Night The Ghost Got In, part 2 - August 20, 2010
The Night The Ghost Got In, part 1 - August 13, 2010
Exhibit X - August 6, 2010
I Went To Sullivant, part 2 - July 16, 2010
I Went To Sullivant, part 1 - July 9, 2010
Mr. Preble Gets Rid Of His Wife - July 2, 2010
Shake Hands With Birdey Doggett - June 25, 2010
The Black Magic Of Barney Haller - June 18, 2010
Guessing Game - June 11, 2010
Sex Ex Machina - June 4, 2010
The Pet Department - May 28, 2010
The Owl Who Was God - May 21, 2010
The Moth And The Star - May 21, 2010
The Mouse Who Went To The Country - May 21, 2010
Nine Needles - May 14, 2010
How To Relax While Broadcasting - May 7, 2010
The Night The Bed Fell - April 30, 2010
The Topaz Cufflinks Mystery - April 23, 2010
The Very Proper Gander - April 16, 2010
The Birds And The Foxes - April 16, 2010
The Bear Who Let It Alone - April 16, 2010
The Little Girl And The Wolf - April 16, 2010
The Unicorn In The Garden - April 9, 2010
The Rabbits Who Caused All The Trouble - April 9, 2010
A Box To Hide In - April 2, 2010
The Peaceable Mongoose - March 1, 2010
12:05 AM

Twitter Report and Tweet of the Day
All follower counts are self-reported.
8 April 2010 - Keith joins Twitter
9 April 2010 - Twitter Report but no Tweet of the Day yet
- follower count: 24000
12 April 2010 - @Uncucumbered
- "I promise I'll calm down about this"
13 April 2010 - @MarthaStewart
- follower count: 38000, photos of self tweeted today: 2.5
14 April 2010 - @whisper1111
- follower count: 39959, photos of self tweeted today: 0
15 April 2010 - guest host
16 April 2010 - @mmosk
- follower count: 43900, photos of self tweeted today: 0
19 April 2010 - @MadCreative
- follower count: 46000, photos of self tweeted today: 1
20 April 2010 - @Esqtery
- follower count: 47000, photos of self tweeted today: 0
21 April 2010 - guest host
22 April 2010 - guest host
23 April 2010 - @42bkdodgr, @BrazenlyLiberal, @WillBunch
- follower count: 49000, photos of self tweeted today: 0
26 April 2010 - @soulsrvivor2001, @agerstner, @jakedshapiro
- follower count: 50400
27 April 2010 - @TBiBOK, @traceystark, @DCdebbie
- follower count: 51000
28 April 2010 - @jazzguyal, @FrankConniff, @BishopAP
29 April 2010 - @pennyd2, @Wylieknowords, @MenaOH
30 April 2010 - @MichaelClear
3 May 2010
- @armavirumque, @kelbrooks, @Johnker218 (Arizona division)
- @MattMurchison, @NickBaumann, @JElvisWeinstein (Gulf division)
- debut on Twitter of Tworst Persons
4 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
5 May 2010 - @Dan_Dickerson, @LadyAnachronism, @mking4real
6 May 2010 - @TheGarfoose, @ScottMKaiser, @whatev007
7 May 2010 - @FrankConniff, @CEDownes, @DanVerg
10 May 2010 - @OTOOLEFAN, @KBurkhardtSNY, @Kat77
11 May 2010 - @LOrion
12 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
13 May 2010 - @marcusnoble
- follower count: nearly 60000
14 May 2010 - @georgek1029
- follower count: 60000
17 May 2010 - @anitajac
18 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
19 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
20 May 2010 - @MarthaStewart
21 May 2010 - @robertlandrum
24 May 2010 - @SPEEDMktg
25 May 2010 - @Cbbeast
26 May 2010 - @DrMathochist
27 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
28 May 2010 - @tonyd13440
31 May 2010 - no show
1 June 2010 - @SarahPalinUSA
2 June 2010 - @SpacedHaitian
3 June 2010 - no Twitter Report
4 June 2010 - @TheGarfoose
7 June 2010 - @OTOOLEFAN
8 June 2010 - @daveweigel
9 June 2010 - @SenJohnMcCain
10 June 2010 - @sobeditor
11 June 2010 - @ClapSo
14 June 2010 - no Twitter Report
15 June 2010 - no Twitter Report
16 June 2010 - @jawillie
17 June 2010 - @ConservativeGal
18 June 2010 - guest host
21 June 2010 - @jeremyscahill
22 June 2010 - no Twitter Report
23 June 2010 - @jsousa1213
24 June 2010 - @GottaLaff
25 June 2010 - @Only4RM
28 June 2010 - guest host
29 June 2010 - @polipaca
30 June 2010 - @OTOOLEFAN
1 July 2010 - @Justin_Stangel
2 July 2010 - @Kellbo0, @PetticoatJ
- follower count: nearly 75000
5 July 2010 - no show
6 July 2010 - @samvance
7 July 2010 - @politicalwild
8 July 2010 - @chaosfilms, @ddiamondo
9 July 2010 - @TheAHL
12 July 2010 - @PaulaInTulsaOK
13 July 2010 - @NtheDogHouse
14 July 2010 - @SleepoverRover
15 July 2010 - no Twitter Report
16 July 2010 - @EricStangel
19 July 2010 - guest host
20 July 2010 - guest host
21 July 2010 - guest host
22 July 2010 - guest host
23 July 2010 - guest host
26 July 2010 - guest host
27 July 2010 - guest host
28 July 2010 - guest host
29 July 2010 - guest host
30 July 2010 - guest host
2 August 2010 - @dceltic123
3 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
4 August 2010 - @glennbeck
5 August 2010 - @EileenLeft
6 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
9 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
10 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
11 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
12 August 2010 - @Marnus3, @ladykayaker
- follower count: 91000, last photo of self tweeted: 9PM last night
13 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
16 August 2010 - @TwavelTweets
17 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
18 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
19 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
20 August 2010 - @steveweinstein
23 August 2010 - guest host
24 August 2010 - @oversplayer
25 August 2010 - @kapkidogal
- follower count: 99861, last photo of self tweeted: Monday afternoon
26 August 2010 - @MooMooMcCarl
- follower count: 100362
27 August 2010 - @BorowitzReport
30 August 2010 - guest host
31 August 2010 - @eddieizzard
1 September 2010 - @negativedrew
2 September 2010 - @stlnewmediadude, @jazzcattrio
3 September 2010 - @AnitaBigone
6 September 2010 - no show
7 September 2010 - @jeffbercovici
8 September 2010 - @BorowitzReport
9 September 2010 - no Twitter Report
10 September 2010 - @Schwarzenegger
13 September 2010 - @Bfahome
- follower count: 111158, last photo of self tweeted: two weeks ago
14 September 2010 - @linc0lnpark
15 September 2010 - @3rdBowloPoridge
16 September 2010 - @whisper1111
17 September 2010 - @steveweinstein
20 September 2010 - @CFarmerTweet
21 September 2010 - @SarahPalinUSA
22 September 2010 - @kchilders
23 September 2010 - @SenJohnMcCain
24 September 2010 - @KeithOlbermann
27 September 2010 - @BorowitzReport
28 September 2010 - @Shiner_Man
29 September 2010 - @mking4real
30 September 2010 - @killert0fu
1 October 2010 - @EmpPalp
4 October 2010 - @Ceilidhann
5 October 2010 - @haymakers
6 October 2010 - @mharvey816
7 October 2010 - @ktumulty
8 October 2010 - @ChiTribRogers
12 October 2010 - @pro_organizer78
13 October 2010 - @GovernorPerry
14 October 2010 - @ljanem
15 October 2010 - @BorowitzReport
18 October 2010 - @LuchiaLuchia
19 October 2010 - @KeithOlbermann, via Cenk Uygur
21 October 2010 - @cepx01, @bybenjamin
22 October 2010 - @LovinglyLa
28 October 2010 - @sweattshop
29 October 2010 - @DCdebbie
1 November 2010 - @Marnus3
3 November 2010 - @Marnus3
4 November 2010 - @crutnacker
9 November 2010 - @jaketapper
10 November 2010 - @InfinityLtd
11 November 2010 - @ConanOBrien
12 November 2010 - @benjieG
15 November 2010 - @fnordine
16 November 2010 - @LeighChamplin
17 November 2010 - @steveweinstein
18 November 2010 - @BorowitzReport
19 November 2010 - @radleybalko
23 November 2010 - @Tiggrr1
24 November 2010 - @weemadando
29 November 2010 - @will_landstrom
30 November 2010 - @KeithOlbermann
2 December 2010 - @bmerer
3 December 2010 - @all_sabrina
10 December 2010 - @JohnLeePettimor
13 December 2010 - @Ceejness
14 December 2010 - @ChicoDelainky
3 January 2011 - @OnDeckLou
4 January 2011 - @fumblefingers60
7 January 2011 - @Graypets
20 January 2011 - @titleofmagazine
brief hiatus
23 June 2011 - @Crutnacker
27 June 2011 - @FrancieML, @GUYCLIFTON
4 July 2011 - @mattbuechner
12 July 2011 - @GRIMIS15
9 August 2011 - @streicher187
18 October 2011 - @NickEvancich
All follower counts are self-reported.
8 April 2010 - Keith joins Twitter
9 April 2010 - Twitter Report but no Tweet of the Day yet
- follower count: 24000
12 April 2010 - @Uncucumbered
- "I promise I'll calm down about this"
13 April 2010 - @MarthaStewart
- follower count: 38000, photos of self tweeted today: 2.5
14 April 2010 - @whisper1111
- follower count: 39959, photos of self tweeted today: 0
15 April 2010 - guest host
16 April 2010 - @mmosk
- follower count: 43900, photos of self tweeted today: 0
19 April 2010 - @MadCreative
- follower count: 46000, photos of self tweeted today: 1
20 April 2010 - @Esqtery
- follower count: 47000, photos of self tweeted today: 0
21 April 2010 - guest host
22 April 2010 - guest host
23 April 2010 - @42bkdodgr, @BrazenlyLiberal, @WillBunch
- follower count: 49000, photos of self tweeted today: 0
26 April 2010 - @soulsrvivor2001, @agerstner, @jakedshapiro
- follower count: 50400
27 April 2010 - @TBiBOK, @traceystark, @DCdebbie
- follower count: 51000
28 April 2010 - @jazzguyal, @FrankConniff, @BishopAP
29 April 2010 - @pennyd2, @Wylieknowords, @MenaOH
30 April 2010 - @MichaelClear
3 May 2010
- @armavirumque, @kelbrooks, @Johnker218 (Arizona division)
- @MattMurchison, @NickBaumann, @JElvisWeinstein (Gulf division)
- debut on Twitter of Tworst Persons
4 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
5 May 2010 - @Dan_Dickerson, @LadyAnachronism, @mking4real
6 May 2010 - @TheGarfoose, @ScottMKaiser, @whatev007
7 May 2010 - @FrankConniff, @CEDownes, @DanVerg
10 May 2010 - @OTOOLEFAN, @KBurkhardtSNY, @Kat77
11 May 2010 - @LOrion
12 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
13 May 2010 - @marcusnoble
- follower count: nearly 60000
14 May 2010 - @georgek1029
- follower count: 60000
17 May 2010 - @anitajac
18 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
19 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
20 May 2010 - @MarthaStewart
21 May 2010 - @robertlandrum
24 May 2010 - @SPEEDMktg
25 May 2010 - @Cbbeast
26 May 2010 - @DrMathochist
27 May 2010 - no Twitter Report
28 May 2010 - @tonyd13440
31 May 2010 - no show
1 June 2010 - @SarahPalinUSA
2 June 2010 - @SpacedHaitian
3 June 2010 - no Twitter Report
4 June 2010 - @TheGarfoose
7 June 2010 - @OTOOLEFAN
8 June 2010 - @daveweigel
9 June 2010 - @SenJohnMcCain
10 June 2010 - @sobeditor
11 June 2010 - @ClapSo
14 June 2010 - no Twitter Report
15 June 2010 - no Twitter Report
16 June 2010 - @jawillie
17 June 2010 - @ConservativeGal
18 June 2010 - guest host
21 June 2010 - @jeremyscahill
22 June 2010 - no Twitter Report
23 June 2010 - @jsousa1213
24 June 2010 - @GottaLaff
25 June 2010 - @Only4RM
28 June 2010 - guest host
29 June 2010 - @polipaca
30 June 2010 - @OTOOLEFAN
1 July 2010 - @Justin_Stangel
2 July 2010 - @Kellbo0, @PetticoatJ
- follower count: nearly 75000
5 July 2010 - no show
6 July 2010 - @samvance
7 July 2010 - @politicalwild
8 July 2010 - @chaosfilms, @ddiamondo
9 July 2010 - @TheAHL
12 July 2010 - @PaulaInTulsaOK
13 July 2010 - @NtheDogHouse
14 July 2010 - @SleepoverRover
15 July 2010 - no Twitter Report
16 July 2010 - @EricStangel
19 July 2010 - guest host
20 July 2010 - guest host
21 July 2010 - guest host
22 July 2010 - guest host
23 July 2010 - guest host
26 July 2010 - guest host
27 July 2010 - guest host
28 July 2010 - guest host
29 July 2010 - guest host
30 July 2010 - guest host
2 August 2010 - @dceltic123
3 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
4 August 2010 - @glennbeck
5 August 2010 - @EileenLeft
6 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
9 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
10 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
11 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
12 August 2010 - @Marnus3, @ladykayaker
- follower count: 91000, last photo of self tweeted: 9PM last night
13 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
16 August 2010 - @TwavelTweets
17 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
18 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
19 August 2010 - no Twitter Report
20 August 2010 - @steveweinstein
23 August 2010 - guest host
24 August 2010 - @oversplayer
25 August 2010 - @kapkidogal
- follower count: 99861, last photo of self tweeted: Monday afternoon
26 August 2010 - @MooMooMcCarl
- follower count: 100362
27 August 2010 - @BorowitzReport
30 August 2010 - guest host
31 August 2010 - @eddieizzard
1 September 2010 - @negativedrew
2 September 2010 - @stlnewmediadude, @jazzcattrio
3 September 2010 - @AnitaBigone
6 September 2010 - no show
7 September 2010 - @jeffbercovici
8 September 2010 - @BorowitzReport
9 September 2010 - no Twitter Report
10 September 2010 - @Schwarzenegger
13 September 2010 - @Bfahome
- follower count: 111158, last photo of self tweeted: two weeks ago
14 September 2010 - @linc0lnpark
15 September 2010 - @3rdBowloPoridge
16 September 2010 - @whisper1111
17 September 2010 - @steveweinstein
20 September 2010 - @CFarmerTweet
21 September 2010 - @SarahPalinUSA
22 September 2010 - @kchilders
23 September 2010 - @SenJohnMcCain
24 September 2010 - @KeithOlbermann
27 September 2010 - @BorowitzReport
28 September 2010 - @Shiner_Man
29 September 2010 - @mking4real
30 September 2010 - @killert0fu
1 October 2010 - @EmpPalp
4 October 2010 - @Ceilidhann
5 October 2010 - @haymakers
6 October 2010 - @mharvey816
7 October 2010 - @ktumulty
8 October 2010 - @ChiTribRogers
12 October 2010 - @pro_organizer78
13 October 2010 - @GovernorPerry
14 October 2010 - @ljanem
15 October 2010 - @BorowitzReport
18 October 2010 - @LuchiaLuchia
19 October 2010 - @KeithOlbermann, via Cenk Uygur
21 October 2010 - @cepx01, @bybenjamin
22 October 2010 - @LovinglyLa
28 October 2010 - @sweattshop
29 October 2010 - @DCdebbie
1 November 2010 - @Marnus3
3 November 2010 - @Marnus3
4 November 2010 - @crutnacker
9 November 2010 - @jaketapper
10 November 2010 - @InfinityLtd
11 November 2010 - @ConanOBrien
12 November 2010 - @benjieG
15 November 2010 - @fnordine
16 November 2010 - @LeighChamplin
17 November 2010 - @steveweinstein
18 November 2010 - @BorowitzReport
19 November 2010 - @radleybalko
23 November 2010 - @Tiggrr1
24 November 2010 - @weemadando
29 November 2010 - @will_landstrom
30 November 2010 - @KeithOlbermann
2 December 2010 - @bmerer
3 December 2010 - @all_sabrina
10 December 2010 - @JohnLeePettimor
13 December 2010 - @Ceejness
14 December 2010 - @ChicoDelainky
3 January 2011 - @OnDeckLou
4 January 2011 - @fumblefingers60
7 January 2011 - @Graypets
20 January 2011 - @titleofmagazine
brief hiatus
23 June 2011 - @Crutnacker
27 June 2011 - @FrancieML, @GUYCLIFTON
4 July 2011 - @mattbuechner
12 July 2011 - @GRIMIS15
9 August 2011 - @streicher187
18 October 2011 - @NickEvancich
12:04 AM

Special bonus material of Keith appearing on other shows
See also: commercials and promos
Seattle Mariners radio - March 6, 2013
Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - February 25, 2013
MLB Network Clubhouse Confidential - December 21, 2012
MLB Network Hot Stove - December 11, 2012
MLB Network Hot Stove - November 21, 2012 (co-host)
MLB Network Hot Stove - November 20, 2012 (co-host)
MLB Network Hot Stove - November 16, 2012
MLB Network Hot Stove and Clubhouse Confidential - November 15, 2012
MLB Network Clubhouse Confidential - November 14, 2012
Larry King Now - October 29, 2012
Baseball Central - July 17, 2012
This Week With George Stephanopoulos - July 1, 2012
This Week With George Stephanopoulos - April 22, 2012
Dan Patrick Show - April 10, 2012
Paley Center with Dan Patrick - April 5, 2012
Late Show with David Letterman - April 3, 2012
Comments on Keith leaving Current from
Dorli Rainey - April 1, 2012
MLB Network Hot Stove - February 1, 2012
MLB Network Clubhouse Confidential - January 12, 2012
KGO-AM radio about Oakland protests - October 27, 2011
Late Show with David Letterman - October 24, 2011
Keith interviewed at the Murrow Awards - October 10, 2011
Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - September 19, 2011
Real Time with Bill Maher - September 16, 2011
Late Show with David Letterman, cameo - July 20, 2011
Late Show with David Letterman, Top Ten List - June 21, 2011
Netroots Nation - June 16, 2011
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - June 16, 2011
Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert - June 15, 2011
Fresh Air with Terri Gross, audio - June 7, 2011
Late Show with David Letterman - May 18, 2011
Premiere of American: The Bill Hicks Story - April 8, 2011
Keith and Joel Hyatt at paidContent Conference 2011 - March 3, 2011
Keith interviewed at spring training - March 2011
For FOK News Channel content in early 2011, see Web Extras.
Comments on Keith joining Current from
Saturday Night Live - February 12, 2011
Comments on Keith leaving MSNBC from
Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Stephen Colbert - January 24, 2011
Short clip for MLB TV - October 29, 2010
Short clip for MLB TV - October 27, 2010
Short clip for MLB TV - October 14, 2010
Keith interviewed at the Murrow Awards - October 11, 2010
Short clip for MLB TV - October 9, 2010
Late Show with David Letterman - September 8, 2010
Late Show with David Letterman - February 18, 2010
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - May 22, 2009
The Rachel Maddow Show - April 14, 2009
The Soup - March 20, 2009
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - March 18, 2009
Spring training, short clips - March 2009
Human Rights Campaign Gala - February 5, 2009
Interview with C-SPAN - January 10, 2009
The Martha Stewart Show - November 24, 2008
The View - November 10, 2008
Late Show with David Letterman, cameo - October 16, 2008
Late Show with David Letterman - September 24, 2008
Japan Journal - August 28, 2008
The Soup - July 25, 2008
Late Show with David Letterman - April 23, 2008
Reliable Sources - January 27, 2008
Bill Moyers Journal - December 14, 2007
The Simpsons - November 25, 2007
Eye to Eye with CBS News - September 19, 2007
Late Show with David Letterman, with Dan Patrick - June 27, 2007
Family Guy - May 13, 2007
Molly Ivins Award - May 9, 2007
CBS Sunday Morning - February 25, 2007
The Today Show - September 15, 2006
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - July 26, 2006
Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert - March 14, 2006
Q&A with C-SPAN - March 12, 2006
Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me! - October 22, 2005
NewsNight - August 2002
American Morning with Paula Zahn - March 13, 2002
Reporting for KFWB after 9/11 - September 11, 2001 to October 16, 2001
Politically Incorrect Thanksgiving with Bill Maher - November 2000
FOX Sports, NLCS Opener - October 11, 2000
FOX Sports, AL Division Series Game 5 - October 11, 1999
The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn - June 25, 1999
Hollywood Squares - May 5, 1999
MSNBC White House in Crisis, short clip - August 18, 1998
Sports Illustrated, The Year in Sports, narration - end of 1997
ESPN SportsCenter, Roger Maris story - 1996
ESPN SportsCenter, show open - 1996
Music video for Hootie & the Blowfish - July 17, 1995
ESPN SportsCenter, bulging disk incident - 1995
ESPN2 SportsNight, show open - late 1993
KCBS-TV LA, Bob Davies obituary - April 22, 1990
KCBS-TV LA, Haberdasher Report - March 14, 1989
The Pat Sajak Show - January 20, 1989
KTLA Channel 5 News, short clip - mid 80s
WCVB NewsCenter 5, show open - 1984
CNN, Redskins Super Bowl win - February 23, 1983
RKO Radio, promo photo - 1981
See also: commercials and promos
Seattle Mariners radio - March 6, 2013
Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - February 25, 2013
MLB Network Clubhouse Confidential - December 21, 2012
MLB Network Hot Stove - December 11, 2012
MLB Network Hot Stove - November 21, 2012 (co-host)
MLB Network Hot Stove - November 20, 2012 (co-host)
MLB Network Hot Stove - November 16, 2012
MLB Network Hot Stove and Clubhouse Confidential - November 15, 2012
MLB Network Clubhouse Confidential - November 14, 2012
Larry King Now - October 29, 2012
Baseball Central - July 17, 2012
This Week With George Stephanopoulos - July 1, 2012
This Week With George Stephanopoulos - April 22, 2012
Dan Patrick Show - April 10, 2012
Paley Center with Dan Patrick - April 5, 2012
Late Show with David Letterman - April 3, 2012
Comments on Keith leaving Current from
Dorli Rainey - April 1, 2012
MLB Network Hot Stove - February 1, 2012
MLB Network Clubhouse Confidential - January 12, 2012
KGO-AM radio about Oakland protests - October 27, 2011
Late Show with David Letterman - October 24, 2011
Keith interviewed at the Murrow Awards - October 10, 2011
Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson - September 19, 2011
Real Time with Bill Maher - September 16, 2011
Late Show with David Letterman, cameo - July 20, 2011
Late Show with David Letterman, Top Ten List - June 21, 2011
Netroots Nation - June 16, 2011
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - June 16, 2011
Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert - June 15, 2011
Fresh Air with Terri Gross, audio - June 7, 2011
Late Show with David Letterman - May 18, 2011
Premiere of American: The Bill Hicks Story - April 8, 2011
Keith and Joel Hyatt at paidContent Conference 2011 - March 3, 2011
Keith interviewed at spring training - March 2011
For FOK News Channel content in early 2011, see Web Extras.
Comments on Keith joining Current from
Saturday Night Live - February 12, 2011
Comments on Keith leaving MSNBC from
Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Stephen Colbert - January 24, 2011
Short clip for MLB TV - October 29, 2010
Short clip for MLB TV - October 27, 2010
Short clip for MLB TV - October 14, 2010
Keith interviewed at the Murrow Awards - October 11, 2010
Short clip for MLB TV - October 9, 2010
Late Show with David Letterman - September 8, 2010
Late Show with David Letterman - February 18, 2010
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - May 22, 2009
The Rachel Maddow Show - April 14, 2009
The Soup - March 20, 2009
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - March 18, 2009
Spring training, short clips - March 2009
Human Rights Campaign Gala - February 5, 2009
Interview with C-SPAN - January 10, 2009
The Martha Stewart Show - November 24, 2008
The View - November 10, 2008
Late Show with David Letterman, cameo - October 16, 2008
Late Show with David Letterman - September 24, 2008
Japan Journal - August 28, 2008
The Soup - July 25, 2008
Late Show with David Letterman - April 23, 2008
Reliable Sources - January 27, 2008
Bill Moyers Journal - December 14, 2007
The Simpsons - November 25, 2007
Eye to Eye with CBS News - September 19, 2007
Late Show with David Letterman, with Dan Patrick - June 27, 2007
Family Guy - May 13, 2007
Molly Ivins Award - May 9, 2007
CBS Sunday Morning - February 25, 2007
The Today Show - September 15, 2006
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - July 26, 2006
Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert - March 14, 2006
Q&A with C-SPAN - March 12, 2006
Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me! - October 22, 2005
NewsNight - August 2002
American Morning with Paula Zahn - March 13, 2002
Reporting for KFWB after 9/11 - September 11, 2001 to October 16, 2001
Politically Incorrect Thanksgiving with Bill Maher - November 2000
FOX Sports, NLCS Opener - October 11, 2000
FOX Sports, AL Division Series Game 5 - October 11, 1999
The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn - June 25, 1999
Hollywood Squares - May 5, 1999
MSNBC White House in Crisis, short clip - August 18, 1998
Sports Illustrated, The Year in Sports, narration - end of 1997
ESPN SportsCenter, Roger Maris story - 1996
ESPN SportsCenter, show open - 1996
Music video for Hootie & the Blowfish - July 17, 1995
ESPN SportsCenter, bulging disk incident - 1995
ESPN2 SportsNight, show open - late 1993
KCBS-TV LA, Bob Davies obituary - April 22, 1990
KCBS-TV LA, Haberdasher Report - March 14, 1989
The Pat Sajak Show - January 20, 1989
KTLA Channel 5 News, short clip - mid 80s
WCVB NewsCenter 5, show open - 1984
CNN, Redskins Super Bowl win - February 23, 1983
RKO Radio, promo photo - 1981
12:04 AM

Tosses to Rachel
Angry Birds - January 18, 2011
Filling in - January 6, 2011
Theatrical thing - December 16, 2010
Ding dong - December 10, 2010
Doorbell - December 9, 2010
The Compromise - December 8, 2010
Big-ass - December 1, 2010 (Chris Hayes in for Keith)
Switch (and Thanks) - November 30, 2010
Shirley - November 29, 2010
Bird parents - November 18, 2010
The ponders - November 12, 2010
Baking powder - November 10, 2010
Consecutively serving - November 9, 2010
In sync - November 4, 2010
This business - November 3, 2010
Election desk (and Local anchor team) - November 1, 2010
From here - October 28, 2010
Doubt in your voice - October 26, 2010
First Amendment - October 21, 2010
Answering machine - October 20, 2010
Olbermann built - October 19, 2010 (Cenk Uygur in for Keith)
Fainting - October 7, 2010
Vaguely illegal - October 6, 2010
Hockeyesque - October 1, 2010
Goldilocks planet - September 30, 2010
Invaluable - September 28, 2010
Commitment-phobic - September 27, 2010
Geltline - September 23, 2010
Singing thing - September 20, 2010
Mice men - September 16, 2010
Good booking - September 15, 2010
Special guest - September 14, 2010
Meat shirt - September 13, 2010
Electronic server - September 10, 2010
Terrible twos - September 8, 2010
Kansas - September 2, 2010
Hook free - August 31, 2010
To the right - August 26, 2010
Joke book - August 25, 2010
Report uncomfortably - August 24, 2010
You're Keith - August 18, 2010
Aqua Buddha - August 12, 2010
Well-lit - August 11, 2010
Unapproved exits - August 10, 2010
Nerd stuff - August 9, 2010
Gravity - August 5, 2010
Paper hat - August 3, 2010
Hat prop - August 2, 2010
High school - July 12, 2010
Afghanistan 2 - July 7, 2010
Afghanistan 1 - July 6, 2010
Can I drive - June 23, 2010
Quickly - June 21, 2010
Soccer - June 17, 2010
Fake President - June 16, 2010
Full agreement - June 15, 2010
Greene - June 10, 2010
Halter - 10PM June 8, 2010
Cher - 8PM June 8, 2010
Much closer - June 7, 2010
Move us - June 4, 2010
Hardhat - May 27, 2010
Mission accomplished (and Sky pilot) - May 26, 2010
Vanilla Ice - May 25, 2010
Honorary geek - May 24, 2010
Characters - May 20, 2010
Indeed and Vibrating - 10PM May 18, 2010
Pig Latin - May 17, 2010
Blotchy - May 13, 2010
Kagan memos - May 12, 2010
Bulging disk - May 10, 2010
Thurber - May 7, 2010
Excitement and fun - May 6, 2010
Sojourns - May 5, 2010
Clean-up crew - April 29, 2010
Kaine - April 28, 2010
That phone - April 27, 2010
Choir - April 21, 2010 (Lawrence O'Donnell in for Keith)
Lost - April 20, 2010
Say hi - April 14, 2010
Tinfoil hats - April 12, 2010
Twitter - April 8, 2010
April Fools' - April 1, 2010
Anniversary - March 31, 2010
For Senate - March 30, 2010
Other cheek - March 29, 2010
That chair - March 22, 2010
Howl - February 23, 2010
Filibuster - February 22, 2010
Keith - February 19, 2010 (reverse toss)
Doormats - February 18, 2010
Wonk food - February 16, 2010
Exploiting puppies - February 12, 2010
Class of 77 - February 10, 2010
Jacket - February 8, 2010
The game - February 5, 2010
Nerd street cred - February 4, 2010
Swinging - February 2, 2010
Meet myself (and Glasses) - January 28, 2010
Misunderstanding - January 26, 2010
Smash - January 12, 2010
Snare drum - January 7, 2010
Barker - January 6, 2010
Skid - December 7, 2009
Animated - December 3, 2009
The lights - December 2, 2009
Back at three - December 1, 2009
Stupak - November 16, 2009
Scouts - November 10, 2009
RMSNBC - October 28, 2009 (Lawrence O'Donnell in for Keith)
ATM - October 26, 2009
See you again (and Fair and balanced) - October 22, 2009
Motivational - October 21, 2009
Thump - October 19, 2009
It works - October 15, 2009
Giggling - October 14, 2009 (Alison Stewart in for Rachel)
Dignity - October 8, 2009
Popcorn (and Shoes) - October 6, 2009
Hamptons - October 1, 2009
Judges - September 22, 2009 (Lawrence O'Donnell in for Keith)
Plucking - September 21, 2009
Two-step - September 16, 2009
The shirt - September 8, 2009
With ears - September 3, 2009
The hall - September 2, 2009
America - August 31, 2009
What's left - August 27, 2009
Carcass - August 17, 2009
Fired - August 14, 2009
The stifles (and Hide Keith) - August 6, 2009
Original document - August 4, 2009
Missed you - August 3, 2009
Thanks gov - July 28, 2009 (Howard Dean in for Keith)
Cohost - July 27, 2009 (Lawrence O'Donnell in for Keith)
Knuckleball - July 15, 2009
Mermaids - July 14, 2009
Surprise puppet - July 10, 2009
Generosity - July 9, 2009
Back - July 7, 2009
Emails - June 24, 2009
Which category - June 22, 2009
How've ya been (and Good lead-in) - June 19, 2009
Liz - June 18, 2009
Tim - June 12, 2009
That bell - June 11, 2009
Snake - June 9, 2009
Given up - June 4, 2009
Spelling prowess - May 29, 2009
Scary - May 28, 2009
Your show - May 27, 2009
Muppets - May 22, 2009
New bug - May 20, 2009
Dissertation - May 19, 2009
Barbecue - May 15, 2009
Friendship - May 14, 2009
Have you back - April 22, 2009
Regret - April 17, 2009 (David Shuster in for Keith)
Mr. Me (and After hours, Oddbaseball) - April 14, 2009
Cleveland - April 7, 2009
In my prayers - March 26, 2009
Ideological shift - March 11, 2009
Going gray - March 5, 2009
Get the job - March 4, 2009
Curse-free hour - March 3, 2009
Pinstripes memo - February 25, 2009
This is convenient - February 24, 2009
Brilliant observation - February 20, 2009
Birthdays - February 12, 2009
Scungilli - February 11, 2009
Speak English - February 9, 2009
Eight children - February 6, 2009
About renditions - February 2, 2009
Hi Dan - January 30, 2009
TV personality - January 29, 2009
Embarrassed hives - January 23, 2009
Baseball cards - January 22, 2009
Your emails - January 21, 2009
Safe thing - January 13, 2009
My evil overlord - January 8, 2009
Numerologically punk'd - January 7, 2009
Periodic wedgies - January 6, 2009
You can just text me - December 23, 2008 (Tamron Hall in for Keith)
It's fine (Keith's mustache) - December 18, 2008
Can't guess who's next - December 17, 2008
Throw that far - December 16, 2008
To aspire to - December 15, 2008
All of its primetime - December 9, 2008
The Christmas Angel Herself - December 3, 2008
Ms. Moderator - December 1, 2008
Her recipe for bourbon - November 24, 2008
She's awful - November 13, 2008
We're number seven - November 12, 2008
A baby to wield - November 11, 2008
I guess you're next - November 7, 2008
You broke that - November 3, 2008
Rachel the nice - October 23, 2008
Wearing a striking chiffon-colored - October 22, 2008
It's very kind of you to notice - October 16, 2008
Excellent Worst Persons - October 14, 2008
I wore my glasses - October 9, 2008
Weirdest part - October 8, 2008
Hard act to follow - October 6, 2008
Sit back and enjoy it - October 3, 2008
Win me in roulette - September 8, 2008 (first Rachel Maddow Show)
Promoted from guest to host - July 21, 2008
Angry Birds - January 18, 2011
Filling in - January 6, 2011
Theatrical thing - December 16, 2010
Ding dong - December 10, 2010
Doorbell - December 9, 2010
The Compromise - December 8, 2010
Big-ass - December 1, 2010 (Chris Hayes in for Keith)
Switch (and Thanks) - November 30, 2010
Shirley - November 29, 2010
Bird parents - November 18, 2010
The ponders - November 12, 2010
Baking powder - November 10, 2010
Consecutively serving - November 9, 2010
In sync - November 4, 2010
This business - November 3, 2010
Election desk (and Local anchor team) - November 1, 2010
From here - October 28, 2010
Doubt in your voice - October 26, 2010
First Amendment - October 21, 2010
Answering machine - October 20, 2010
Olbermann built - October 19, 2010 (Cenk Uygur in for Keith)
Fainting - October 7, 2010
Vaguely illegal - October 6, 2010
Hockeyesque - October 1, 2010
Goldilocks planet - September 30, 2010
Invaluable - September 28, 2010
Commitment-phobic - September 27, 2010
Geltline - September 23, 2010
Singing thing - September 20, 2010
Mice men - September 16, 2010
Good booking - September 15, 2010
Special guest - September 14, 2010
Meat shirt - September 13, 2010
Electronic server - September 10, 2010
Terrible twos - September 8, 2010
Kansas - September 2, 2010
Hook free - August 31, 2010
To the right - August 26, 2010
Joke book - August 25, 2010
Report uncomfortably - August 24, 2010
You're Keith - August 18, 2010
Aqua Buddha - August 12, 2010
Well-lit - August 11, 2010
Unapproved exits - August 10, 2010
Nerd stuff - August 9, 2010
Gravity - August 5, 2010
Paper hat - August 3, 2010
Hat prop - August 2, 2010
High school - July 12, 2010
Afghanistan 2 - July 7, 2010
Afghanistan 1 - July 6, 2010
Can I drive - June 23, 2010
Quickly - June 21, 2010
Soccer - June 17, 2010
Fake President - June 16, 2010
Full agreement - June 15, 2010
Greene - June 10, 2010
Halter - 10PM June 8, 2010
Cher - 8PM June 8, 2010
Much closer - June 7, 2010
Move us - June 4, 2010
Hardhat - May 27, 2010
Mission accomplished (and Sky pilot) - May 26, 2010
Vanilla Ice - May 25, 2010
Honorary geek - May 24, 2010
Characters - May 20, 2010
Indeed and Vibrating - 10PM May 18, 2010
Pig Latin - May 17, 2010
Blotchy - May 13, 2010
Kagan memos - May 12, 2010
Bulging disk - May 10, 2010
Thurber - May 7, 2010
Excitement and fun - May 6, 2010
Sojourns - May 5, 2010
Clean-up crew - April 29, 2010
Kaine - April 28, 2010
That phone - April 27, 2010
Choir - April 21, 2010 (Lawrence O'Donnell in for Keith)
Lost - April 20, 2010
Say hi - April 14, 2010
Tinfoil hats - April 12, 2010
Twitter - April 8, 2010
April Fools' - April 1, 2010
Anniversary - March 31, 2010
For Senate - March 30, 2010
Other cheek - March 29, 2010
That chair - March 22, 2010
Howl - February 23, 2010
Filibuster - February 22, 2010
Keith - February 19, 2010 (reverse toss)
Doormats - February 18, 2010
Wonk food - February 16, 2010
Exploiting puppies - February 12, 2010
Class of 77 - February 10, 2010
Jacket - February 8, 2010
The game - February 5, 2010
Nerd street cred - February 4, 2010
Swinging - February 2, 2010
Meet myself (and Glasses) - January 28, 2010
Misunderstanding - January 26, 2010
Smash - January 12, 2010
Snare drum - January 7, 2010
Barker - January 6, 2010
Skid - December 7, 2009
Animated - December 3, 2009
The lights - December 2, 2009
Back at three - December 1, 2009
Stupak - November 16, 2009
Scouts - November 10, 2009
RMSNBC - October 28, 2009 (Lawrence O'Donnell in for Keith)
ATM - October 26, 2009
See you again (and Fair and balanced) - October 22, 2009
Motivational - October 21, 2009
Thump - October 19, 2009
It works - October 15, 2009
Giggling - October 14, 2009 (Alison Stewart in for Rachel)
Dignity - October 8, 2009
Popcorn (and Shoes) - October 6, 2009
Hamptons - October 1, 2009
Judges - September 22, 2009 (Lawrence O'Donnell in for Keith)
Plucking - September 21, 2009
Two-step - September 16, 2009
The shirt - September 8, 2009
With ears - September 3, 2009
The hall - September 2, 2009
America - August 31, 2009
What's left - August 27, 2009
Carcass - August 17, 2009
Fired - August 14, 2009
The stifles (and Hide Keith) - August 6, 2009
Original document - August 4, 2009
Missed you - August 3, 2009
Thanks gov - July 28, 2009 (Howard Dean in for Keith)
Cohost - July 27, 2009 (Lawrence O'Donnell in for Keith)
Knuckleball - July 15, 2009
Mermaids - July 14, 2009
Surprise puppet - July 10, 2009
Generosity - July 9, 2009
Back - July 7, 2009
Emails - June 24, 2009
Which category - June 22, 2009
How've ya been (and Good lead-in) - June 19, 2009
Liz - June 18, 2009
Tim - June 12, 2009
That bell - June 11, 2009
Snake - June 9, 2009
Given up - June 4, 2009
Spelling prowess - May 29, 2009
Scary - May 28, 2009
Your show - May 27, 2009
Muppets - May 22, 2009
New bug - May 20, 2009
Dissertation - May 19, 2009
Barbecue - May 15, 2009
Friendship - May 14, 2009
Have you back - April 22, 2009
Regret - April 17, 2009 (David Shuster in for Keith)
Mr. Me (and After hours, Oddbaseball) - April 14, 2009
Cleveland - April 7, 2009
In my prayers - March 26, 2009
Ideological shift - March 11, 2009
Going gray - March 5, 2009
Get the job - March 4, 2009
Curse-free hour - March 3, 2009
Pinstripes memo - February 25, 2009
This is convenient - February 24, 2009
Brilliant observation - February 20, 2009
Birthdays - February 12, 2009
Scungilli - February 11, 2009
Speak English - February 9, 2009
Eight children - February 6, 2009
About renditions - February 2, 2009
Hi Dan - January 30, 2009
TV personality - January 29, 2009
Embarrassed hives - January 23, 2009
Baseball cards - January 22, 2009
Your emails - January 21, 2009
Safe thing - January 13, 2009
My evil overlord - January 8, 2009
Numerologically punk'd - January 7, 2009
Periodic wedgies - January 6, 2009
You can just text me - December 23, 2008 (Tamron Hall in for Keith)
It's fine (Keith's mustache) - December 18, 2008
Can't guess who's next - December 17, 2008
Throw that far - December 16, 2008
To aspire to - December 15, 2008
All of its primetime - December 9, 2008
The Christmas Angel Herself - December 3, 2008
Ms. Moderator - December 1, 2008
Her recipe for bourbon - November 24, 2008
She's awful - November 13, 2008
We're number seven - November 12, 2008
A baby to wield - November 11, 2008
I guess you're next - November 7, 2008
You broke that - November 3, 2008
Rachel the nice - October 23, 2008
Wearing a striking chiffon-colored - October 22, 2008
It's very kind of you to notice - October 16, 2008
Excellent Worst Persons - October 14, 2008
I wore my glasses - October 9, 2008
Weirdest part - October 8, 2008
Hard act to follow - October 6, 2008
Sit back and enjoy it - October 3, 2008
Win me in roulette - September 8, 2008 (first Rachel Maddow Show)
Promoted from guest to host - July 21, 2008
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