The Triangle Waist Victims
In memory of the 146 identified victims of the Triangle Waist Company fire, March 25, 1911, New York, New York. We can honor them by remembering the tragedy, and remembering their lives as summarized at a wonderful site at the Cornell Industrial and Labor Relations school, and by continuing the fight they inspired – to protect the rights of American workers to safety, to fair wages, to life itself:
- Adler, Lizzie, 24
- Altman, Anna, 16
- Ardito, Annina, 25
- Bassino, Rose, 31
- Benanti, Vincenza, 22
- Berger, Yetta, 18
- Bernstein, Essie, 19
- Bernstein, Jacob, 38
- Bernstein, Morris, 19
- Bierman, Gussie, 22
- Billota, Vincenza, 16
- Binowitz, Abraham, 30
- Brenman, Rosie, 23
- Brenman, Sarah, 17
- Brodsky, Ida, 15
- Brodsky, Sarah, 21
- Brooks, Ada, 18
- Brunetti, Laura, 17
- Cammarata, Josephine, 17
- Caputo, Francesca, 17
- Carlisi, Josephine, 31
- Caruso, Albina, 20
- Ciminello, Annie, 36
- Cirrito, Rosina, 18
- Cohen, Anna, 25
- Colletti, Annie, 30
- Cooper, Sarah, 16
- Cordiano , Michelina, 25
- Dashefsky, Bessie, 25
- Del Castillo, Josie, 21
- Dockman, Clara, 19
- Donick, Kalman, 24
- Eisenberg, Celia, 17
- Evans, Dora, 18
- Feibisch, Rebecca, 20
- Fichtenholtz, Yetta, 18
- Fitze, Daisy Lopez, 26
- Floresta, Mary, 26
- Florin, Max, 23
- Franco, Jenne, 16
- Friedman, Rose, 18
- Gerjuoy, Diana, 18
- Gerstein, Molly, 17
- Giannattasio, Catherine, 22
- Gitlin, Celia, 17
- Goldstein, Esther, 20
- Goldstein, Lena, 22
- Goldstein, Mary, 18
- Goldstein, Yetta, 20
- Grasso, Rosie, 16
- Greb, Bertha, 25
- Grossman, Rachel, 18
- Herman, Mary, 40
- Hochfeld, Esther, 21
- Hollander, Fannie, 18
- Horowitz, Pauline, 19
- Jukofsky, Ida, 19
- Kanowitz, Ida, 18
- Kaplan, Tessie, 18
- Kessler, Beckie, 19
- Klein, Jacob, 23
- Koppelman, Beckie, 16
- Kula, Bertha, 19
- Kupferschmidt, Tillie, 16
- Kurtz, Benjamin, 19
- L'Abbate, Annie, 16
- Lansner, Fannie, 21
- Lauletti, Maria Giuseppa, 33
- Lederman, Jennie, 21
- Lehrer, Max, 18
- Lehrer, Sam, 19
- Leone, Kate, 14
- Leventhal, Mary, 22
- Levin, Jennie, 19
- Levine, Pauline, 19
- Liebowitz, Nettie, 23
- Liermark, Rose, 19
- Maiale, Bettina, 18
- Maiale, Frances, 21
- Maltese, Catherine, 39
- Maltese, Lucia, 20
- Maltese, Rosaria, 14
- Manaria, Maria, 27
- Mankofsky, Rose, 22
- Mehl, Rose, 15
- Meyers, Yetta, 19
- Midolo, Gaetana, 16
- Miller, Annie, 16
- Neubauer, Beckie, 19
- Nicholas, Annie, 18
- Nicolosi, Michelina, 21
- Nussbaum, Sadie, 18
- Oberstein, Julia, 19
- Oringer, Rose, 19
- Ostrovsky , Beckie, 20
- Pack, Annie, 18
- Panno, Provindenza, 43
- Pasqualicchio, Antonietta, 16
- Pearl, Ida, 20
- Pildescu, Jennie, 18
- Pinelli, Vincenza, 30
- Prato, Emilia, 21
- Prestifilippo, Concetta, 22
- Reines, Beckie, 18
- Rosen (Loeb), Louis, 33
- Rosen, Fannie, 21
- Rosen, Israel, 17
- Rosen, Julia, 35
- Rosenbaum, Yetta, 22
- Rosenberg, Jennie, 21
- Rosenfeld, Gussie, 22
- Rosenthal, Nettie, 21
- Rothstein, Emma, 22
- Rotner, Theodore, 22
- Sabasowitz, Sarah, 17
- Salemi, Santina, 24
- Saracino, Sarafina, 25
- Saracino, Teresina, 20
- Schiffman, Gussie, 18
- Schmidt, Theresa, 32
- Schneider, Ethel, 20
- Schochet, Violet, 21
- Schpunt, Golda, 19
- Schwartz, Margaret, 24
- Seltzer, Jacob, 33
- Shapiro, Rosie, 17
- Sklover, Ben, 25
- Sorkin, Rose, 18
- Starr, Annie, 30
- Stein, Jennie, 18
- Stellino, Jennie, 16
- Stiglitz, Jennie, 22
- Taback, Sam, 20
- Terranova, Clotilde, 22
- Tortorelli, Isabella, 17
- Utal, Meyer, 23
- Uzzo, Catherine, 22
- Velakofsky, Frieda, 20
- Viviano, Bessie, 15
- Weiner, Rosie, 20
- Weintraub, Sarah, 17
- Weisner, Tessie, 21
- Welfowitz, Dora, 21
- Wendorff, Bertha, 18
- Wilson, Joseph, 22
- Wisotsky, Sonia, 17